Category mobile advertising

Avoiding The Career Obsolescence Trap

Four years ago, I had a conversation about career obsolescence I’ll never forget. I was catching up with a friend and former colleague who had left her job at an advertising agency around 2008 to be a stay-at-home mom. This woman is the best account director I’ve ever known. She is tough, comfortable defending her […]

Why Native Advertising Will Become The Most Dominant Format In Mobile Marketing

I’m a fan of “Mike and Mike,” a morning radio program on ESPN. It stars veteran sports journalist Mike Greenberg and former NFL star Mike Golic. The two form a knowledgeable and laugh-out-loud-funny odd couple, pairing Greenberg’s fastidiousness with Golic’s rough-edged masculinity, the kind you’ll find in the men who turn up in Budweiser and Miller beer commercials. […]

Mobile App User Acquisition Costs On The Decline

A story emerged yesterday that reports that the average per mobile app user acquisition cost is declining. While that may be good news for advertising buyers, it may not be such good news for the overall health of the mobile economy. That’s because the transition from desktop and laptop-based digital marketing to mobile form factors […]

What Super Bowl Ads Can Teach Us About Mobile Video

In the marketing world, the Super Bowl marks the beginning of all-new advertising campaigns featuring some of the largest brands in the world. It used to be the case that almost all the ads that aired during the game appeared for the first time during the broadcast, but that has changed in recent years with […]

When Are Higher Marketing Costs A Good Thing?

The rapid migration to smartphones and tablets from laptops and desktops has happened at a breath taking pace. While that has created a massive business opportunity, the supply of mobile apps and mobile websites has grown even faster than our demand for that content. The result is that the cost to advertise in mobile has […]

The Critical Insights You Need Following A Big Week For The Mobile Economy

Last week brought a flurry of upbeat news on the state of the mobile economy, especially the improving health of its advertising business. First, eMarketer projects that advertisers will pump $9.6 billion into mobile in 2013, with estimates that total mobile spend will eclipse desktop ads by 2016. Then, Facebook announced its plans to test […]

The Real Reason Mobile Ad Revenue Struggles To Keep Pace With Forecasts

Ever since the early 2000s, entrepreneurs, analysts, and media have seized upon the miniaturization of high powered computing, increased bandwidth for things like web browsing and content consumption, and developers and consumers eager to make a market for services that work on mobile devices as evidence of a booming mobile economy that lurks just around […]

Twitter: Reasons For Advertisers To Believe

Twitter has announced its intentions to go public, and in its wake a wave of negative press about Twitter’s problems has emerged. Given Facebook’s turbulent IPO and the wildly varying outcomes achieved from other recent social media and technology public offerings, I understand the skepticism. In fact, I go so far as to agree that […]

Five Foundational Steps To Achieving Mobile Marketing Success

Many times over the last couple of months, I’ve found myself in the company of old friends and new acquaintances who have asked me a version of the following question: “How would you go about using mobile marketing to advertise my product or service?” I tell them that the marketing world, while more complex than […]

Valuable Insights On How Agencies Can Stay Relevant Thanks to the BoSacks blog, and picking up on the entry I wrote earlier in the week about how agencies remain relevant, here is a smart overview of the ways in which agencies still can deliver value to their clients. The way forward, according to the author, requires a full embrace of new technologies, […]