Monthly Archives: September 2019

Jeremy Snead, Filmmaker, Helps The Video Game Industry Find Its Voice

he video game business yields billions of dollars annually, but generally it has lacked the mainstream acceptance and respect that film, television, and theater command. Entrepreneur and filmmaker Jeremy Snead is out to change that. He has directed and produced both an original documentary and television series that reveal how video games have shaped American culture over the last 50 years. His work celebrates the industry, the pioneers who helped build it, as well as the visionaries who are driving it forward today. His company, Mediajuice Studios, also produces TV commercials and trailers for some of the successful gaming and entertainment companies in the world.

Jeremy and I worked together from 2002-2004, and since then he has become one of my closest friends. In this episode, Jeremy describes his entrepreneurial journey, his creative process, and how leading with passion opens doors and attracts world class talent.

Kenny Bellau, The Man Who Rescued 400 People Following Hurricane Katrina

Following the 14th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, and as we anxiously watch Hurricane Dorian looming off the southeastern coast of the United States, I speak to Kenny Bellau, who has an inspiring story to share. That’s because he rescued over 400 people in New Orleans in the chaotic aftermath of Katrina. It’s a portrait in resilience, courage, resourcefulness, with a surprisingly optimistic outlook about human nature. (Content heads-up: this podcast includes a couple of accounts of corpses that Kenny saw.) I hope you enjoy his story as much as I did.

To look at the photos Kenny took of New Orleans during his rescue work, visit