Monthly Archives: January 2024

Caroline Russell Smith Serves Up A Midlife Upgrade

Caroline Russell Smith is a sex therapist, and in this episode, she reassuringly shares the things that people can do to have the best sex of their lives. She offers so much more than just paths to a healthier, more fulfilling sex life, though. I see Caroline as a healer and someone who can help especially those in midlife upgrade their lives.

In this conversation (which covers sex and includes some profanity, just in case you listen in the car with kids or at work), you’ll learn about:

The importance of learning new things in middle age – and the new sport Caroline has fallen in love with

Her journey through high school sex education and working with both sex offenders and survivors of sexual violence

Advice on how people in their 50s can tackle three problems common to this cohort: searching for meaning, facing malaise, and evolving our sex lives as our bodies age

The Amherst classmate she wants me to talk to next

Want to get in touch with Caroline? Visit her website ( or send her an email at

Dr. Amrita Sethi Is Breaking Down Barriers And Lifting Up Others When They Need It Most

“No man is a failure who has friends.”

These are the memorable last words the angel Clarence has for George Bailey in It’s A Wonderful Life. Frank Capra’s movie classic comes to my mind this time of year, but I also thought about the line during my conversation with Dr. Amrita Sethi, an award-winning and pioneering endoscopist, as well as an Amherst College classmate. Not only has she figured how absolutely essential it is to have close friends and allies. She has built support systems that extend these benefits to aspiring doctors, helping them increase access to the profession, as well as learn and bounce back following a mistake.

In this episode, you’ll learn about:
Amrita’s embrace of breadth and focused depth, and how that has fueled her creativity and ability to innovate

The critical importance of deep friendships and professional allyship, including people who will help you overcome self doubt

The value of The Empathy Project ( and other initiatives that help patients and doctors develop the trust and openness they need to achieve better outcomes

Her theory behind why so many members of the Amherst Class of 1994 share common traits and worldviews

Why we think James Cameron exemplifies the benefits of a liberal arts education

The members of the Amherst Class of 1994 she wants me to talk to next