Category Google

Facebook Is A Bigger Company Than Google Was Through 17 Quarters. Here’s How Facebook Will Grow Its Lead.

After Facebook’s most recent blowout quarter, the question is, “Where do we go from here?” For the last several quarters, I’ve been comparing the top-line revenue for both Alphabet/Google and Facebook through their first 17 quarters as publicly traded companies. Google’s 17 quarter ended December 31, 2008, while Facebook’s ended on September 30, 2016. As […]

The (Mostly) Wrong Questions People Ask About Facebook Advertising

At the conclusion of every quarter, investors, researchers, and members of the news media all want to get a read on whether Facebook can continue its impressive growth. Because I work for Ampush, a Facebook Marketing Partner, or FMP, I get a lot of those questions. After nearly every quarter, I come to the same […]

Facebook vs. Google After 16 Quarters As Publicly Traded Companies: Facebook’s Great Leap

Google’s/Alphabet’s 16th quarter as a publicly traded company came in Q3 2008. Facebook just passed that milestone at the end of June. I’ve been fascinated at just how each of them has grown top-line revenues. Their results over this time span have been eerily similar, with Facebook demonstrating more pronounced seasonality in Q4 than its search rival. You can […]

Windows Phone: What Might Have Been

A week ago, my two-year old Lumia Icon fell out of my pocket. Though gravity had only about seven inches with which to wreak havoc, the phone landed screen-side down on a bump on my slate patio, sending a spider web of cracks through the glass. Cracked screen on my Lumia Icon My phone’s demise […]

Facebook vs. Alphabet After 15 Quarters As Publicly-Traded Companies: Neck And Neck

Advertising on Facebook is big business. Look no further than its Q1 2016 earnings announcement, which blew past analyst expectations. Facebook’s results were even more striking amid disappointing reports from Alphabet/Google, Apple and Microsoft. Alphabet’s Google and Facebook are widely regarded as the two most valuable digital advertising businesses in the world. Comparing the revenues […]

‘Saturday Night Live’ And Google Show How Digital Publishers Can Confront The Challenge Of Ad Blocking

I’ll venture a guess that this is the only place that shows what Saturday Night Live and Google advertising suddenly have in common and, more importantly, how they’re demonstrating a way for digital advertisers to increase revenues in the face of wide spread ad blocking. Broadly speaking, publishers can increase prices of their ad inventory […]

Why Effective Mobile Marketing Requires An ROI Orientation

After last week’s post on mobile strategy 101, I was asked, “But what about mobile marketing? Facebook is dominant on mobile, but it’s so expensive.” I understand why many marketers have that question. If you’re a brand marketer and have a good feel for TV, traditional display, radio, and print prices, Facebook may seem high, […]

Facebook vs. Google After 14 Quarters: Facebook’s Giant Leap

When I first joined Ampush, an official Facebook Marketing Partner, I found it convenient to compare mobile-first, in-feed advertising platforms like the kind Facebook dominates to the world of mobile ecosystems I had just left behind at Microsoft. I made the comparison this way: “Facebook is to iOS as no one is to Android.” That’s […]

At Google, Motivation Is Spelled ‘Alphabet’

In the 1990 film, The Hunt for Red October, Sean Connery’s Captain Marko Ramius informs his crew that he has written his political superiors to notify them of his plans to defect. His crew is outraged and terrified: angry that he revealed their plot without consulting them first, and frightened that the might of the Soviet […]

After 12 Quarters As a Publicly-Traded Company, Which One Is Bigger: Facebook Or Google?

With Facebook reporting its second quarter earnings last week, just the 12th such announcement in its relatively brief life as a publicly-traded company, I thought it would be interesting to compare it to Google. How did the search giant look after the same milestone in its history? The chart above shows Facebook’s and Google’s top-line […]