Tag Archives: mobile marketing

Proctor & Gamble’s Facebook Reset Exposes The CPG Industry’s Mobile Dilemma

Proctor and Gamble (P&G), one of the world’s largest consumer packaged goods companies, announced last week that it was rethinking its Facebook advertising strategy. Specifically, the company has concluded that Facebook’s advanced targeting capabilities, e.g. Moms in the South who drive Japanese minivans, aren’t more effective for its brands than more generic targeting, e.g. Women 25-49. […]

Bastions Of Mobile Resistance

The success of Uber, Airbnb, Amazon, and many others has created a massive incentive for entrepreneurs to leverage mobile devices and computing horsepower from the cloud to remove friction from many industries. That’s why it’s so surprising to find products and services that still have not adapted to a mobile-first paradigm. These five hold-outs illustrate […]

Why Effective Mobile Marketing Requires An ROI Orientation

After last week’s post on mobile strategy 101, I was asked, “But what about mobile marketing? Facebook is dominant on mobile, but it’s so expensive.” I understand why many marketers have that question. If you’re a brand marketer and have a good feel for TV, traditional display, radio, and print prices, Facebook may seem high, […]

The Dying Days Of The Digital Impression

In 1999, Hasbro Interactive published Rollercoaster Tycoon, a PC game that allowed players to build and operate their own virtual theme parks. It went on to become one of the best selling PC titles of all time. I had a bird’s eye view of the software industry because I worked in marketing at Hasbro Interactive […]

Ad Blocking Software: The Latest Incarnation Of The Media Industry’s Chicken Little

Without working very hard, I can recall two instances in which the media and entertainment industry looked technological innovation in the eye, saw the Apocalypse, and later awoke to find that not only was there nothing to worry about, but that the bogeyman in fact was loaded with cash that made nearly everyone a lot […]

After 12 Quarters As a Publicly-Traded Company, Which One Is Bigger: Facebook Or Google?

With Facebook reporting its second quarter earnings last week, just the 12th such announcement in its relatively brief life as a publicly-traded company, I thought it would be interesting to compare it to Google. How did the search giant look after the same milestone in its history? The chart above shows Facebook’s and Google’s top-line […]

Why Even The Best Performing Marketing Campaigns On Facebook Falter

In addition to being perfectly content to watch reruns of my favorite TV shows (I’m looking at you, Big Bang Theory on TBS), I also can watch my favorite TV commercials again and again. For example, I love AT&T’s “Bedazzling” spot.  I laugh out loud every time I see it, which is often because it […]

Is The Mobile Advertising Market Too Small Or Just Right? The Answer Is….

24 to 8. It’s not an American football score, but rather the key finding for mobile marketers published by Mary Meeker of Kleiner Perkins in her 2015 Internet Trends report. To be more precise, Meeker finds that Americans spend 24 percent of their media time, which includes TV, print, radio, and internet, on their mobile […]

How Digital Marketers Created A Broken Advertising Ecosystem

Everyone knows someone who prides himself on buying stuff on the cheap. I’ve been that guy from time to time. Three years ago, my then-five year old declared herself ready to learn to ride a bike. Not wanting to drop hundreds on a bike she’d out-grow in a year, I bought the cheapest model that would […]

Video Could Be Your Ticket To Successful Mobile Marketing

Most parents who have traveled overnight with young children know that one way to make sleeping in an unfamiliar place less unsettling for their kids is to pack their favorite stuffed animals. Those companions can make any bed feel cozier. The result: a better night sleep for the kids, not to mention mom and dad. What […]